Why subscribe?

Because you get enough worthless crap in your inbox every day and my emails are actually useful. Y’know. For your soul. This is a safe space no matter who you are. Unless you’re an asshole or someone who wants to police the language I use to share my stories. Which is the same thing as being an asshole.

What do I write about?

Life’s a messy place and there’s no straight line between where we are and where we want to go. I’m a late-in-life queer who’s socially conscious and actually qualified to talk about shit like money.

This joint is all about the messy journey we’re all on as we try to show up in the world as who we are, fuck up less than we have in the past, and just string a life together between birth and death with a bit of cash that buys enough coke gets us through retirement and makes certain people hate us for spending every damn dime we’ve saved.

What can I expect from your “blog”?

Wow. You put blog in quotes. Savage.

I swear, I’m political, and occasionally I’ll post a link where I might get a commission if you click. However, this is a place for us. I don’t tolerate hate speech, transphobia, racism, sexism, (any -ISM) and if you’re one of those folks who likes the yolks of hard-boiled eggs… I have thoughts but we can still hang. This is a place of love and uncensored FUCK ME, FUCK YEAH and FUCK THAT. If you’re not down with that, I can’t help you.

Stay up-to-date

Subscribing makes sure that YOU get to hear from ME. And of course, you know I always want to hear from YOU. Always. Literally. Unless you’re an asshole. See a theme here?

You subscribing here ensures that I don’t have to rely on Facebook and its oppression-enabling ways that profit off the backs of creators to share my thoughts with you.



Subscribe to Late to the Party with E. Napoletano

Thoughts about the what/how from a they/them.


A femme they/them who's fucked up a lot of things but pretty smart about mental health and money, honey.